PC Pro Podcast 19

Podcast 19 is here, in which the team ponders on the future of digital cameras, wonders if Scrabulous might look a teeny bit like another popular word game, and speculates on the contents of the Home Secretary’s handbag. Editor Tim Danton presides.

PC Pro Podcast 18

In the latest weekly podcast the team gets to grips with an unusual new MP3 player from Creative, ponders on the political reasoning behind IDF announcements and argues the moral case for and against levying huge fines on illegal file sharers.

PC Pro Podcast 17

In podcast 17 the PC Pro team returns to the hot topic of smartphones, with the advent of the BlackBerry Bold, the slickest BlackBerry yet. Plus we disuss the merits of Intel’s new chip name, the fight breaking out between Nvidia and Intel, and take a look at some quirky hardware from Belgium.

PC Pro Podcast 16

In podcast 16 we reveal BT’s traffic-shaping secrets; get the lowdown on Intel’s Larrabee graphics chip plans; the “smartphone companion” that fails to impress; and discuss whether Very PC deserved its roasting in the Dragons’ Den.